Medical, Surgical and Optical
315 622 1234
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A cataract is a common haze or opacity that develops in the human lens. It is one of them most frequent causes of reduced vision and is associated with difficulty seeing details and glare at night. Fortunately, when indicated, cataract surgery can greatly improve vision by removing the cataractous lens and replacing it with a clear implant.
Cataract surgery involves removing the cloudy lens of the eye with a small ultrasonic vacuum probe and replacing it with a clear intraocular lens. The procedure is done using a high power microscope while you are under a light sedation.
Dr. Safran has performed thousands of cataract surgeries in his career. While no surgery is 100% is safe and effective, modern cataract surgery helps large numbers of people achieve their best vision. We will talk to each patient personally in our office and all your questions can be answered.
Big Title
Specialty Surgery Center

Our procedures are done at the Specialty Surgery Center located at 225 Greenfield Parkway in Liverpool (off Buckley Road).
This center is the area's premier location for outpatient eye surgery.
It is important not to eat any food or drink the morning before surgery. If you need to take medicines, do so with a small sip of water. If you are diabetic, its best to hold on your hypoglycemic medications.
You should expect to be at the Specialty Surgery Center three to four hours. This includes check in, dilation, the surgery and recovery. Overall, the center will make you comfortable and relaxed.
The Experience
The typical cataract procedure itself takes less than 20 minutes to perform. During the procedure you will be relaxed with a light sedation and the eye will be numb. You may feel some pressure but you shouldn't be uncomfortable. Your eye will not need to be patched afterward.
It is important to take it easy the first day as you will have had surgery and sedation.

While every patient is different, vision may be initially blurry -- so don't be alarmed. Vision should get gradually clearer within a few days.
Most patients are comfortable but others have minor scratchiness or discomfort. There shouldn't be excessive pain.
Cataract Eye Drops
It is critical to take eye drops - consisting of antibiotics and anti-inflammation medications, for the time of your cataract surgery. Otherwise, infection and swelling can jeopardize your eyesight. We have two different methods of receiving and using drops.
Imprimis Combo All in One Drop

You can purchase this bottle directly from Imprimis at $39/bottle. It contains three different medications all bottled together for convenience.
Instructions: Starting two days before your surgery, give yourself one drop of the Combo bottle three times every day for a total of three weeks. That's it. Simple, inexpensive and convenient
Separate Antibiotic and Steroid Drops

We order, through your pharmacy, two separate generic medication eyedrops: an antibiotic and steroid. You are responsible for the copays .
Instructions: Starting two days before your surgery, give yourself one drop of each bottle three times a day. Wait two minutes between bottles. After a week, stop the antibiotic. Continue the steroid drop for another two weeks.