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when increased pressure damages the optic nerve
Eye pressure results from a delicate balance between fluid - called the aqueous humor -- entering into and draining out of it. In some patients, due to thickening or narrowing of the draining tissues, fluid can build up leading to increased eye pressure. This is known as glaucoma. With time, high pressures cause a slow atrophy of the optic nerve, which in turn leads to loss of side and central vision.
Did you know?
You cannot feel when your pressure is too high or low.
Glaucoma can happen without any symptoms or pain.
There are two main types of glaucoma
Open Angle glaucoma is the most common. The drainage structures are open mechanically but somehow are just not working well.
Narrow Angle glaucoma is where the iris tissue physically is constricting the drainage structures. It is less common and is found usually in far sighted people.
Glaucoma Video - Causes and Types of Glaucoma
Treatment Options
Eye drops, taken once or twice daily, help lower the eye pressure, when used regularly.
Safe and quick in-office laser can help in opening the drainage meshwork of the eye
Creating an internal or external drainage can treat advanced cases of glaucoma